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Best of Corey's YouTube!
Arpeggio Practice
The Beauty of the Minor 7b5 Arpeggio! (11:34)
10 Minute Diminished (8:48)
Half Step Arpeggio Trick (8:12)
Blues Arpeggio Guitar Lesson! Learn Dominant 7 Arpeggios for Improvising over Blues! (20:52)
Dominant 7 Arpeggio Guitar Practice Methods! (14:23)
Let's work on How To Practice Dominant 7 Arpeggios (22:45)
Combine Mixolydian with Arpeggios! - Mixolydian Scale Guitar Lesson (14:45)
How To Use Licks! - My Contribution to Music Is Win's Lick Compilation! (10:23)
Minor 7 Arpeggio Guitar Lesson - Improve your Slow Blues! (15:21)
HOW TO get started playing OUTSIDE BLUES licks! (13:50)
Combine Arpeggios with Pentatonic Scales! (11:59)
Blues Rhythm Lessons
Let's Learn a Jazz Blues By Yourself (17:02)
Robben Ford's Triad Blues Rhythm (13:02)
BB King The Thrill is Gone Lesson! (17:48)
Insane George Benson Blues Rhythm (16:57)
Blues Rhythm Secret (12:25)
Let me show you some Pro Blues Rhythm Guitar Chords! (13:00)
Blues Rhythm Guitar Lesson Intermediate - Use C6 and C9 chords! (22:57)
How to become a BETTER Blues Rhythm Player - Blues Chord Progression Guitar Lesson (13:49)
Here's a Robert Johnson Blues Rhythm Lesson from my Hotel Room! (7:58)
Let's learn a Minor Blues By Yourself Groove! (17:46)
12 Bar Blues Rhythm By Yourself (13:13)
Major & Minor Pentatonic Lessons
Let's Combine Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales! (17:41)
Mixing Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales Blues Lesson! (22:12)
Triad Lessons!
Triad Practice through C Major (1:09)
Let me show you a Triads Blues Guitar lesson! (21:02)
Ultimate Triad Lesson Aka The Super Arpeggio! (13:03)
Using Triads and the Mixolydian Mode
Technique Lessons!
Do THIS Instead of Exercises to Warm Up! (11:14)
Improve your Blues Guitar Vibrato Technique! (12:24)
Rake Technique Lesson! I did my best to teach you the RAKE! (13:50)
Get Started with Hybrid Picking! (8:59)
Blues Lick Lessons!
SRV's Legendary Repetition! (11:30)
Gary Moore Walking By Myself Solo (16:02)
Whole Tone Scale for Blues Lesson (12:45)
Chromatic Blues Rock Lick! (10:40)
Stevie Ray Vaughan COLD SHOT Lesson Part 1! (21:33)
Stevie Ray Vaughan COLD SHOT Guitar Lesson Part 2! (38:07)
Stevie Ray Vaughan COLD SHOT Rhythm Lesson! (24:31)
Stevie Ray Vaughan style rhythm lesson with 9th chords! (13:38)
Let's work on a Gary Moore Lick Lesson (19:39)
BLUES bending and phrasing in the style of ALBERT KING - Albert King Style Blues Licks (16:48)
Albert King Style Blues Licks - How to incorporate an Albert King Lick! (12:39)
Chromatic Blues Guitar Licks Lesson! - Use Scales You Already Know! (18:47)
Let me show you 3 Ways To Use Blues Licks! (12:49)
A Blues Phrasing Lesson With a Twist! (14:28)
Combine 3 Scales for this Jazz Blues Guitar Lick! (14:13)
Clapton Only Needed One Guitar, One Amp, and One Scale! (12:02)
Blues Turnarounds!
Classic Blues Turnaround Guitar Lesson (6:55)
Let's Work on a KILLER Jazz Blues Turnaround! (12:43)
Easy Blues Turnarounds By Yourself! (7:21)
Soloing Tips!
Jazz Up Your Blues Live Lesson
Ultimate Blues Scale Lesson!
Major Pentatonic Line (8:12)
Hate Jazz? Watch This! Aka - Can Jazz Help Us Rock (9:03)
Don't Get Lost in Blues Solos! (7:40)
Unlock Major Pentatonic (17:59)
Pentatonic Pattern #1 Lesson - Pentatonic Lesson Guitar - Phrasing Lesson too! (13:03)
Unlock 5 Pentatonic Scale Patterns! - Pentatonic Scale Lesson Beginner (22:59)
Don’t call it the BLUES SCALE - How To Use The Blues Scale Guitar Lesson (19:06)
Let me teach you a Pentatonic Blues Solo on One String! (13:39)
This may be my MOST IMPORTANT guitar soloing lesson! (13:21)
Let's work on an Outside Blues Solo Lesson! (11:48)
Adding Chords to Blues Solos Guitar Lesson - Call and Response for Blues! (13:05)
Root Note Blues Solos - Beginner Blues Solos Lesson (16:56)
Diminished Blues Guitar Lesson - Getting Started with Diminished Sounds in Blues! (12:14)
Major Scale Lessons!
The Major Scale is All You Need! (12:53)
Let's work on your Major Scale Guitar Practice! (18:37)
Fun Rhythm Lessons!
Play Blues By Yourself - On Acoustic & Electric! (27:17)
Let's work on a Pro Style Minor Chord Progressions Guitar Lesson (13:59)
Acoustic Guitar Lessons!
Let's learn some Acoustic Guitar Soloing Techniques! (15:40)
Harmonic Minor Lessons
Harmonic Minor Scale for Blues! (15:47)
Gear Demos!
The Powers Electric is the Most Unique Guitar on the Market Today! (47:34)
Sire T7 Demo (7:03)
I Played $32,390 Worth of Gibsons…Here’s What I Found! (17:24)
Yamaha Revstar Demo! (26:04)
MXR Duke Of Tone Demo! (13:19)
PRS Pedals Demo (15:56)
Ultimate Overdrive Pedal Lesson! (28:21)
G&L ASAT Classic Demo (11:10)
Studio Transformation (12:37)
Exclusive AMS Gibson SG (8:28)
Understanding Reverb and Delay with Keeley Hydra & Halo (30:31)
Epiphone Casino Demo (12:17)
PRS 594 SE and HDRX20 (18:40)
UA Max Compressor (17:01)
UA Galaxy Tape Echo (12:58)
UA DelVerb (15:24)
Getting Tone from your Hands! (13:23)
Are Sire Guitars Too Cheap? Deep Dive into the Sire S7 (17:46)
How I Get Great Tone at Home! (15:06)
Comparing the PRS SE 594 and the Epiphone Limited Edition 59 Les Paul (12:37)
Did I Screw Up This Guitar by Changing Pickups? Gold Foil and Firebird Pickup Comparison (13:37)
The Truth About Guitar Giveaways (7:27)
My Big Amp Problem (19:48)
Simplifier MKII (21:38)
Jeff Beck and Seal cover Hendrix's Manic Depression (27:48)
Two Rock Plugin by MixWave
Live Lessons!
3 Ways to use Minor 7 Arpeggios
3 Ways to Use the Blues Scale!
Mixolydian Lessons
Mixolydian Line over G7
Teach online with
Ultimate Blues Scale Lesson!
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